Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Jesus is. Jesus has. Jesus will.

The question people ask is "What would Jesus do?".
It really should be "What did Jesus do?"

Contrast these questions with some of the popular Christian movements:

Jesus is the Seeker
Jesus is Shepherding us
Jesus is the only Word that we (or King James) ever needed
Jesus is our Holiness
Jesus is the vine and keeper of the Vineyard
Jesus is the Alpha (and Omega)
Jesus has Delivered us
Jesus has Restored us
Jesus has Named us and Claimed us
Jesus' Word allows us Faith in Him
Jesus has Emerged from the tomb
Jesus has and will Keep all of His Promises

I have a suggestion for a new movement.
Let's open our bibles and see Christ. From Genesis to Revelation, He is there.
And then, tell others what Jesus did.

Grace and Peace to you.