Monday, September 14, 2009

puny, finite man; Great, Infinite God

That puny, finite man, would think that he could, in and of himself, make such an infinite, deeply consequential descision about his own salvation is beyond me.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Jesus is. Jesus has. Jesus will.

The question people ask is "What would Jesus do?".
It really should be "What did Jesus do?"

Contrast these questions with some of the popular Christian movements:

Jesus is the Seeker
Jesus is Shepherding us
Jesus is the only Word that we (or King James) ever needed
Jesus is our Holiness
Jesus is the vine and keeper of the Vineyard
Jesus is the Alpha (and Omega)
Jesus has Delivered us
Jesus has Restored us
Jesus has Named us and Claimed us
Jesus' Word allows us Faith in Him
Jesus has Emerged from the tomb
Jesus has and will Keep all of His Promises

I have a suggestion for a new movement.
Let's open our bibles and see Christ. From Genesis to Revelation, He is there.
And then, tell others what Jesus did.

Grace and Peace to you.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rick Warren's plea to Baptize 3,000. Believers?

In Rick Warren's recent news and views newsletter,(, The PD leader was asking for people everywhere to come and be baptized and join his church. All I can say about this is that Rick Warren dosen't get it. It is not the works of man, It is the work of God.

Monday, February 2, 2009

I hope Obama fails!

Now I know that the title will automatically bring some wrath and ire to the comment section but read on because I don't really, really believe what the title proclaims. This is more about the freedom of speech of a private citizen of the United States of America. A radio host came out on his show stating that he hopes the current President fails. And then, the otherwise, other leaning media outlets went ballistic and condemned him and said "'They' should do something." Something about ideas being freely broadcast on the airwaves? (The "they" is of course are government officials and law makers.) This presents a serious problem, not to mention a knot in my stomach, and also discloses the mindset and hypocrisy of those who are calling for the head to be amputated. First of all the problem is that the person who said it is a private citizen, as private as a person can be who has celebrity, and has the same rights you and I have concerning the freedom of speech. If he can be shut down, then so can I and so can you. If I say "I hope Vice President Biden stubs his toe" or "has to take a cold shower because his water heater goes on the blink" will "they" come after me? Secondly, those who agree with this mind set of "they should do..." and the idea of such controls, are the very ones who are in control of practically every media outlet in the nation (In particular the broadcast media), and have free reign to expound any and all comments or ideals but would rather eliminate our rights so as to put down any and all opposing voices than to have to explain their own strong political or social views. And yet, to my third point of hypocrisy, these are the very same outlets and persons who, for the past eight years have been hoping that the former President would fail! In some outlets I have even heard the call to try the former President with war crimes. Over the top comments and criticisms have been a daily staple and yet I did not hear a call for the elimination of any CNN anchor or those like minded. I would never suggest that and I do not think anyone reading this (if anyone reads this;) would either. Please, this is not about personality or who I like or you don't like. It is not about conservative vs. moderate vs. liberal. It is about the basic guarantee of the freedom of speech found in the First Amendment which states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." You see?